A child with a fever over 101° F. should be seen in the office. I feel particularly strongly about this if it is a young child/infant who can not communicate what’s wrong, or if it is on a Friday or the day prior to a holiday. If your child’s fever is high at night, and lower the next morning, bring your child in to the office. The fever will most likely go up again that night. Your child is not well until at least 24 hours fever free. It is better to treat a child early than late and your child will respond much more quickly to an infection that is detected and treated early.
Other examples of problems with your children that should be seen in our office are rashes; pain of any kind including earache, headache, or stomach pain; wheezing; labored breathing; and problems which have not resolved after several days of home remedies.
Our office offers same day appointments for our sick patients, and is committed to scheduling appointments for new patients as quickly as possible.
If a true emergency occurs after hours, CALL 911, OR BRING YOUR CHILD TO TEXAS CHILDRENS HOSPITAL (6621 Fannin, near Holcombe)
When to Call After Hours
Dr. Eisner generally takes her patients’ urgent phone calls after hours, and will delegate another pediatrician to do so when she is unavailable. Dr. Eisner may be reached after hours by calling our answering service number 281-856-4906. Dr. Eisner encourages prompt assessment and treatment in the office, in order to avoid both emergencies and emergency room visits.