Mononucleosis is a viral As part of growing up, you will go through puberty. Puberty is the time in your life when your body changes from that of a child to that of an adult. These changes are caused by chemicals in the body called hormones. Because there are so many changes that happen during puberty, you may feel like your body is out of control. In time, your hormones will balance out and your body will catch up. Not only does your body change, but your emotions change too. How you think and feel about yourself, your family and friends, and your whole world, may seem different. As you go through puberty, you will begin to make important decisions for yourself, take on more responsibilities, and become more independent. If you are already going through some of these changes, you may be asking yourself, “Am I normal?” or “Do other people my age feel the way I do?” Don’t worry. Lots of changes happen during puberty and, although it can be a confusing time of life, it can be exciting. This brochure was written to help you understand and deal with the changes puberty brings.